Our History
In June 1988, a corporation under the name of “OMRAB Engineering Company” (O.E.C) was founded in Iran by a five-person partnership.
Our founders are all graduates of prestigious North American and Iranian universities with devoted involvement in EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) water works, inclusive of water and waste-water treatment and water transmission projects.
Our engineers come to you with a minimum of a quarter-century’s extensive experience in designing, building and implementing global solutions. Our seasoned professionals’ achievements are founded on experience with projects of complex size and scope worldwide, inclusive of Iran, Turkmenistan and Sudan.
Through pro-active involvement in a number of tenders and qualifications in CIS, Middle East and African countries, OMRAB is considered as one of the most credible of international EPC contractors within the realm of water works. (www.omrab.com)
Our proven global and professional achievements in the execution of water projects over more than a quarter-century have led our founders and shareholders to establish “OMRAB Canada Inc.” (O.C.I) in Canada on November 2009 in order to expand and develop an international presence in North America and all around the world by privilege of achieved experiences and knowledge since June 1988.

OMRAB Canada Inc. is proud to announce its newly-founded Canadian operation as one of the world’s leading engineering and construction EPC companies. OMRAB has become a major player in the ownership of water and waste-water treatment and attained an enviable track record of excellence in the field.
Our privileged status provides ‘state-of-the art’ technologies and world–class management skills capable of handling all scopes of water projects. We ensure competitive price, schedule certainty and reliable operation effecting long-term value on our clients’ most challenging projects.
Our history attests to successful execution of countless projects and engenders our commitment to those currently underway.